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Anthony Musana

Anthony’s Birthday: 24/04/2010


Anthony is in grade five and enjoys playing football and athletics. After school, he would like to become a Pilot.


Anthony lives with his parents, one brother and four sisters. His family grows crops on a small piece of land for food and as a source of income. The money earnt is not enough to afford basic necessities like education, healthcare, bedding and clothing.


Your sponsorship of Anthony would be a blessing to him and his family, and will ensure his continued access to education and healthcare.

Anthony Musana

SKU: LCF/1236
  • For some children there are multiple prices that you can choose between for monthly sponsorship. However some children can only be sponsored including boarding school.


    • $50 a month includes enrolment into our private school, medical care, access to unlimited water and 2 meals a day.
    • $70 a month includes boarding at our private school, medical care, access to unlimited water and 3 meals a day.
    • Higher monthly prices are for children with additional care needs.
  • Life Charity Focus regards customer privacy as an important part of our relationship with our customers. Our privacy policy applies to all Life Charity Focus users, and conforms to internet privacy standards.

    A link to our privacy policy is available on the check out page prior to proceeding to payment.

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