Our very own special education school, described by a government official as “the very best in Uganda”. Our children who attend HOH have a range of disabilities including cerebral palsy, spina bifida, deaf/mute, down syndrome, varying limb deformities and albino children.
The build
Construction of Hearts of Hope (HOH) commenced in 2019 after finding the perfect block of land on the outskirts of Budaka. With the help of incredibly generous supporters and fundraising efforts, we have built a main school building with 8 classrooms, sick bay, head teachers’ office, 2 toilet amenities, teacher/caretaker housing, a girls boarding house and a boys boarding house. With future planning and proposed development, the school will eventually board approximately 130-140 children with varied disabilities.
In Uganda, people with disabilities face extreme conditions of poverty, have limited opportunities for accessing education, health, suitable housing and employment opportunities. Disability in Uganda is often viewed as a curse, or as a consequence of something the mother did or did not do when pregnant, which commonly results in attributions of blame and abandonment. Children with disabilities are often refused access to schooling which is what LCF noticed and aspired to address.
With future planning and proposed development, the school will eventually board approximately 130-140 children with varied disabilities.

Every child has a right to learn and access quality education to fulfill their potential
A therapy room
A therapy room where our children work on their individual occupational therapy and physiotherapy goals daily. Our therapy room has been decked out with a range of equipment including wedges, walking ramps and stairs, gym balls, resources and activities.
Vegetable farming
A block of land purchased next to our school where our children participate in growing, picking and preparing vegetables. This has improved their communication skills, fine and gross motor skills and wellbeing. It has also reduced our running costs now that we can grow our own vegetables to feed our students and staff.
Water supply
Our very own bore sunk on the compound for water supply.
School facilities
Construction of a kitchen and dining hall on campus where we can provide food and shelter for all of our wonderful students.
A goat house
A goat house built on campus teaching our children the responsibility of raising and caring for animals.
The Future
Vegetable farming – a block of land has been secured next to our school which is where our children will actively participate in the growing of vegetables. This will improve their communication skills, fine and gross motor skills, executive functioning, fitness, wellbeing, as well as an opportunity to learn about nutrition.
Boarding houses – Extension on our current boarding houses so we can enrol and house more children with disabilities.
Therapy – A purpose-built therapy room as we have currently transformed a classroom into a therapy room until funds suffice.
School facilities – A dining hall and kitchen to be built on campus.
Vocational education – Implement a plan to provide our children with more life skills and vocational training so they can acquire the appropriate skills to become self-sufficient adults and have the best possible future.
Independent housing – Purpose built housing where our children who finish schooling can independently live.